Did any of you know it's "National Random Act of Kindness Month" ?? Yeah... me either.
I listen to a radio station in our area r.e.l.i.g.i.o.u.s.l.y. -- I can listen online here -- They have the BEST morning show with Chuck, Heather and Woo Woo (yes... Woo Woo -- she's hot, mod and a newlywed) -- Maybe I'm biased, but I feel like their show could go national -- Anyway... back to my point -- Every morning, they ask random questions (exp: "What Random Act of Kindness have you done that's come back to bite you?") Of course, I'm always on the phone calling something in b/cI like to be the center of attention it's my dream to meet them and do a morning show with them one time --
So this morning I called and told them about a colleague of mine who was getting his Master's in Counseling (like me) -- Clearly our field of work is in the "Helping Profession" and what do we do? We help. Well, this specific day, {we'll call my colleague Jeff} Jeff was asked to help an elderly lady out of her car and into the building... Being the kind man that he is, he did just that and never thought twice about it. Within the next few days, he was served papers stating he was being sued for sexual harassment -- SEXUAL HARASSMENT! -- He took some time off after that to really ponder whether or not he was going to commit his life to helping people at the risk of being sued left and right!
Why am I telling you all this? Selfishly, I want you to also love my morning radio show, but also, I want to hear about YOUR random acts of kindness that have come back to bite you! Let's get our laugh on!
I listen to a radio station in our area r.e.l.i.g.i.o.u.s.l.y. -- I can listen online here -- They have the BEST morning show with Chuck, Heather and Woo Woo (yes... Woo Woo -- she's hot, mod and a newlywed) -- Maybe I'm biased, but I feel like their show could go national -- Anyway... back to my point -- Every morning, they ask random questions (exp: "What Random Act of Kindness have you done that's come back to bite you?") Of course, I'm always on the phone calling something in b/c
So this morning I called and told them about a colleague of mine who was getting his Master's in Counseling (like me) -- Clearly our field of work is in the "Helping Profession" and what do we do? We help. Well, this specific day, {we'll call my colleague Jeff} Jeff was asked to help an elderly lady out of her car and into the building... Being the kind man that he is, he did just that and never thought twice about it. Within the next few days, he was served papers stating he was being sued for sexual harassment -- SEXUAL HARASSMENT! -- He took some time off after that to really ponder whether or not he was going to commit his life to helping people at the risk of being sued left and right!
Why am I telling you all this? Selfishly, I want you to also love my morning radio show, but also, I want to hear about YOUR random acts of kindness that have come back to bite you! Let's get our laugh on!
Happy Hump Day!!
That story is so sad! Poor guy. I can't believe he was sued for helping someone. WOW!
The poor guy who was sued is the reason why people are so hesitant nowadays to lend a helping hand. It's awful!
that's just insane. Wow!
wow. no wonder men are afraid to be gentlemen now a days!
Ha! Here's my cure for being bitten... just don't do anything nice! Just kidding. I just can't think of anything right now.
Was he sued by the old lady? That's seriously screwed up! That makes me sad to hear.
Can't say I've ever had one come back to bite me...
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