Yesterday was the one of the worst days I've had in a very. long. time. -- Your "virtual" hugs brought tears to my eyes... thank you, each and every one of you.
Today is a NEW day! I love how that happens every 24 hours :) and well... what better way to kick off this day than with a giveaway!
A fantastic Living Room Furniture company contacted me and would love to offer my readers either an item equaling up-to $30 or a $30 gift card toward the purchase of something you love!!
While of course they sell furniture, there is a fabulous collection I've been browsing called notNeutral -- It includes a plethora of preppy and modern home accents and accessories perfect for the summer season!!!
A couple of items I'm eying:

How to Enter:
2 entries: Follow Me
3 entries: Follow Me on Twitter
5 entries: POST about this giveaway
{of course let me know what you've done!}
{if you referred the person who wins,
you'll receive a
prize from ME!}
Giveaway will end Monday, July 27th @ NOON!
Winner to be announced later that day :)
Those are so cute! Enter me to win.... I'm already following you, of course.
And I posted about you on my blog yesterday in case you didn't see it!
Beautiful! I'm following you here and on twitter!
What an awesome giveaway! I am loving those wine glasses!
You know I am a follower and I also follow you on twitter!
I didn't blog about your giveaway, but I retweeted it :)
Thanks and I hope today is 10 times better than yesterday :)
You're so welcome!
I'm a follower, sign me up :)
LOVE the patterns on that glass!
I'm so glad that the {hugs} helped!
Oh and of COURSE I follow you sweet pea ♥
PLUS I'm posting about it today too! Yay!
Of course I follow you...wouldn't have it any other way!! Posted about it too on my side bar! Glad today is better..nothing beats a hug!
pretty please count me in ;)
i'm a follower!
i don't use twitter :|
i will post on my blog!
here is a {BIG HUG} for yesterday...i'm behind!
I'm a follower and I'm about to start following you on twitter.
well look at you hot mama!
A contest is a perfect way to make you feel better!!!
I would like to say I follow you in blog world and twitter land! YAY! Now I just need to post!
BTW-I love those squiggly lines!! That's a great design!
Also~ I was blogstalking MckMama today and saw that you had done so too because I was commenting on posts from long ago and you were the only commenter on a lot of them. She just amazes me!
Happy Hump Day!
Those glasses are nice!
I follow your blog.
But, I have been trying this past week to click on your "follow me on twitter" link, but the link doesn't work... so, maybe you can send me your twitter link so I may follow? Or find me on twitter, NewlywedGiggles!
How fun is all of that?!! Awesome!!
I already follow you. =)
And I follow you on twitter, too.
Oh I love all this stuff! super cute! :) Sooooo i'm a follower on your blog and on twitter. :) DUH, i can't not keep up with my twin mr. r lover! ha ha
I'm doing everything!!!! Happy Hump Day :)
I hope that today is much better for you! Thinking of you friend!
Awesome picks! Please enter me as a follower. Thanks!
Great giveaway! i am now a follower! Found you from Miss Anne!!
i am a follower! :)
this is a FAB giveaway girly!
What an amazing giveaway friend! I'm a follower on twitter and your blog!=)
Awe, great giveaway! I am already a follower.
Love your blog and I am now a follower.....
I am a follower - fo sho :)
and I follow you on twitter!
Simply amazing!
I'm already a loyal follower :). And then I posted about it tonight!
I am now a follower!!
But I don't have Twitter :(
I'm a follower, and here is my post that includes you give away. :-)
so fun!!! I am a follower on here and twitter!!
Do I need to let you know that I follow you? Cause I do!
Ooooh, love this! I'm a follower and I follow you on Twitter as well ;)
Also I'm posting about it today!
Wow!! What pretty things! I'd love $30 to this place!
I'm a follower here and on Twitter!
2 entries: Follow Me - check.
5 entries: POST about this giveaway - check.
So, enter me 7 times! yah.
big hug!!
Such fun stuff!! :)
I'm a follower!
I'm a follower on here and on twitter. Great giveaway!! Hope you are doing better today :)
Sign me up, I'm def. a follower! : )
Count me in. I'm following! I found your blog on Salti's blog roll so I guess you could say she "referred me".
I follow your blog and I blogged:
Hi! Great giveaway. I posted here and on Twitter! I'm hagen23. 3 entries, please!
i'm following. thanks for the giveaway.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
Tagged you on my last post!
Oh so cute...I just broke some glasses!
I follow you on the blog and on twitter.
Having a hard time following you on twitter..I double checked to make sure and it says "not found" for newlywedcentral?
Great giveways. Very summery.
I hope your week of feeling icky has vanished. Feel better Anna, the weekend is here!
I hope I don't have to do this five times....but
+5 b/c I blogged:
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
I am a follower! =) Love your blog!
So glad you reminded us on Twitter! I totally forgot to enter.
I'm a follower of the blog and on Twitter.
This stuff is so cute! I see a lot of credit card damage in my immediate future.
follower! :-) just barely remembered before the cut off!!
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