Original post:
Sorry this isn't going to be informative, deep or even very insightful... but it sure as hell was a shocker to read, so I'm sharing.
Saskia... this one's for you:
From The London Times:

Outside England's Bristol Zoo there is a parking lot
for 150 cars and 8 buses. For 25 years, its
parking fees were managed by a very pleasant
attendant. The fees were £1 for cars ($1.40),
£5 for buses (about $7).
Then, one day, after 25 solid years of never missing
a day of work, he just didn't show up; so the Zoo
Management called the City Council and asked it
to send them another parking agent.
The Council did some research and replied that the
parking lot was the Zoo's own responsibility.
The Zoo advised the Council that the attendant was
a City employee.
The City Council responded that the lot attendant
had never been on the City payroll.
Meanwhile, sitting in his villa somewhere on the coast of Spain
(or some such scenario), is a man who'd apparently had a
ticket machine installed completely on his own; and then
had simply begun to show up every day, commencing
to collect and keep the parking fees, estimated at about
$560 per day -- for 25 years.
Assuming 7 days a week, this amounts to just over
And no one even knows his name.
wow! that's crazy! (the parking guy) omg how smart he was to think of that! and do it for 25 yearssss!! (not that it's a good thing, don't get me wrong, lol) but very funny i think. i mean he didn't hurt anyone rightt??? ya know what i'm sayin'.
Too bad no one knows his name. Not that I would hunt him down and offer myself as his wife.
I say more power to him... and shame on them for not knowing his name. lol.
That is pure genious!
Yes, shame on them for not knowing his name!!! But wow, great idea on his part! ha!
WOW! Can he spread the wealth? LOL. That's craziness.
BRILLIANT!!! What a chap!!!
Saskia x
Wow...what a retirement for him!
Wow that is genius!!!
Wow! Clever... :)
Hilarious. I can't believe no one figured it out in 25 years!
LOL, too funny! i can't believe no one knew!
this is flipping hilarious!!!...and true? wowza.
Hilarious! So smart.
It's an urban legend! Sorry, kids!
That's a crazy story - true or not!
That is a funny story. I tagged you on my blog.
insane... but obviously fake.
had it been true, i'd consider him a genius!
I wish I were smart enough (and dishonest enough) to do something like that!
REALLY?!?! That's just amazing!
Quite clever, even if it's false. :)
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