*************UPDATED 2/5/09****************** Elly Mae is back to her old tricks: Running, playing, being nosy and licking us to absolute giddiness :) THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SWEET CONCERN AND ADVICE! (we're totally stocking our freezer with Pedialyte stuff :)
I headed home in a hurry when I heard Dan's voice I don't think Elly's feeling well, she doesn't look right -- She'd been acting sluggish after a long day with Daddy running back and forth from the barn to the house -- She loves it outside and enjoys teasing her 3 older and much larger brothers and sister, Ginger, Petey and Rebel -- I pulled in the driveway and found her lying on the back porch, picked her up and she immediately started wiggling and licking my face, but not nearly with the excitement she usually exerts --
When I put her down, she let out a serious poo (yeah) and I thought Well, that's all she needed until 15 minutes later when she ran to the door again, I let her out and... she went again, although this time, nothing but liquid -- Not good. She wouldn't eat any food and was acting very sluggish -- I'd already promised myself when I first got her that I would not be one of those overreacting puppy mom's that whisked her baby away to the doctor at the very slightest sign of a sniffle... not me. It wasn't 15 minutes later she was at the door again, looking all too anxious to go back into the cold -- Of course I let her out and now D and I are watching her every move -- As she started to go and wiggle forward I hear D say It looks like... um, Salsa?
Would you believe it if I told you this precious muffkin was pooping things out of her rear end that scared me to the point of calling the animal hospital 3 times and my mom because she had 5 children and would clearly know what to do, right? Wrong. The hospital's response: You need to bring her in right away (have I mentioned I live in Nowhere, NC?) -- Mom's response: She's so small... she could die of dehydration! Now that I was feeling better (et, hem) my motherly instincts kick in and I'm scrambling to make her feel better -- Bread, crackers, anything to dry up the diarrhea -- This. did. not. help. -- In fact, she threw up 4 times... Twice on D. Yeah. That's what I said.
The new and very concerned, not to mention confused, parents of this 3 lb. / 10 w/o puppy sat up until 2 a.m. nursing her apple juice for fear of dehydration -- She finally conked out for good and we put her crate right next to my side of the bed so not to miss even a shaking of the head... poor thing -- Thankfully, she woke up this morning hungry and acting like her old self again... D said to her Elly, did you know you were sick as a dog last night? Corny, maybe... but he was the best daddy taking good care of her -- Who knew having a puppy would bring out all the same fears and anxieties as having your own child -- wow.
Oh your poor baby!!! I hope she is feeling better. Having a sick pet is the worst feeling in the world!
I'm glad Elly Mae is feeling better now!
Too bad for the pup... Probably gonna pass on the salsa for my lunch now! :)
Mythbusters post
We have taken Lulu to the emergency vet 3 times because of that same situation. We've had pets all of our lives and never have I been to an E-Vet so many times. I hope they don't think I'm an abusive mother.
I get so upset when my pug gets sick. Hope Elly is well now.
I just got back from the vet. I am totally one of those "parents" that rushes the sick dog to the vet. Oh well!
My pup got ahold of corn cobs after we hosted a low-country boil party. He got into the trash and ate all the clean corn cobs. We didn't know until he began throwing up whole corn cobs...for a week!
So sad, but glad she is doing better.. And seriously she is the CUTEST! :)
Poor pup. Glad she's feeling better. Not fun dealing with a sick "kid"...no matter what the breed. :)
Our big baby gets like that when he has a change of diet or excitement. We have a jack russell that lives with Clay's dad now, because he can give her the space to run around in and all the attention that we can't while we're in school. We have visitation with her on the weekends (seriously) and every time she comes over Toby gets the salsa poo.
It also happens when we change his food. We found Beneful to be the best stuff for him, but that is sometimes hit or miss.
To get his salsa poo to calm down we normally mix in a little Pedialyte (the stuff for babies) with his water. We do about 1/4 of a bowl of it and then fill the rest up, that way he's not dehydrated. Then when he is feeling up to eating we normally give him white rice and boiled chicken for 2 or 3 days and it normally helps his tummy get back to normal.
Awww poor thing!
Reading this post shows what a caring,loving and compassionate person you are. But I already knew that before you had Elly-Mae.
glad to hear she is all better. my little norm had a scary incident this week too, so I know what you mean about caring for them like they were kids (because they are our furry kids!)
You guys are going to make great parents!
I'm glad Miss Elly is feeling better! What a nightmare!
Oh thank heavens everything is okay!!!
Poor sweet baby! I am so glad the little pup is ok!
Poor little pupster. Its hard not to me over protective when they're so little. Glad she's feeling much better now.
That poor little darling pie pup! I'm the same way as you-- trying not to get too anxious too quickly. it sounds like you and D did an amazing job getting her healthy!
Bless her little heart!! I am so sorry she was sick. It is such a scary feeling. So scary!! I am glad she was better this morning!! I hope she continues to be even better!! Thinking about you and your sweet family :)
how sad! poor little girl!
when boudreaux was about 10 weeks old he got really sick. pooping everywhere, diarrhea, and throwing up constantly. he had to stay at the vet for two days hooked up to IVs because he was so dehydrated. it scared me to death.
i'm sure y'all were terrified. you're such good parents!!
Glad to hear she is feeling better now!
yall will be WONDERFUL parents! 4 months after we got our dog I was preggers! (after a year of trying)
You are too cute!
They feel kinda funky fast, don't they? Glad to hear that sweet Elly is feeling much better now!
Oh geez, when my Shih-Tzu looks even remotely odd or under the weather - I speed dial the vet! I am a total full-blown, 100% card-carrying professional over-the-top pet parent! My Shih-Tzu wants for not, is the apple of my eye, would go everywhere I go if that were remotely possible! I make no apologies for my dedication to my dog! WHen I read your post -the first thing I thought of was - oh God Elly got into some chocolate or ate some grapes!! I am glad to hear she (and you) had a happy outcome though - how's your blood pressure about now?
oh poor baby. before my doxie passed away several years ago, I would stay up all night whenever she was sick. she was a sickly little puppy when i took her home. i really miss her.
Our vet said to give our chihuahuas pepto and gateraid mixed with chicken broth. Thats always helped our furkids. :)
I hope she is okay!
Shame, poor thing. Hope she is doing much better now :)
Awww, I'm sorry she was sick. To see pets ill when they can't tell you what's the matter is awful. The panic I felt when Simba was ill was absolutely horrid.
I'm so glad she's all better now :)
Saskia x
Not even gonna lie to you...haven't really ever been much of a pet person...had a cat once.
But honestly? This is the reason why...I'd fall in love too hard, and I'd be too nervous. ;)
You're a good mommy! ;)
poor baby. sometimes a little pepto will help them also. i know this is a crazy question because you are such a good "mommy", but she has had her parvo shots, right? also, i know with small dogs their little intestines can only handle so much... she might have ate something that didn't agree with them.
here is a trick I learned a few months ago when my dog was sick (and it works for when it's coming out either end)... canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling, but straight pumpkin) My dog has been so sick that the chicken and rice trick didn't work, so a friend told me about the pumpkin and it worked like a charm! Glad she is better!
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